Writing Scientific Research Articles: Strategy and Steps
Writing Scientific Research Articles: Strategy and Steps
“Margaret Cargill’s background as a linguist and research communications educator and Patrick O’Connor’s experience as both research scientist and educator synergize to improve both the science and art of scientific writing. If the authors’ goal is to give scientists the tools to write and publish compelling, well documented, clear narratives that convey their work honestly and in proper context, they have succeeded admirably.”
Veterinary Pathology, July 2009″[The book is] clearly written, has a logical step-by-step structure, is easy to read and contains a lot of sensible advice about how to get scientific work published in international journals. The book is a most useful addition to the literature covering scientific writing.”
Aquaculture International, April 2009Writing Scientific Research Articles: Strategy and Steps guides authors in how to write, as well as what to write, to improve their chances of having their articles accepted for publication in international, peer revi